Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Path Less Taken

I continue to be perplexed by drivers in Saskatoon and their attitude to moving over to the next open spot on the road.  It must be that we come from a farming community or our ancestry that we line up just like cattle when approaching a construction zone or being requested to squeeze into one lane.  Once again 8th Street East of Preston Ave is closed to 1 lane traffic East bound.  Apparently everyone should be getting in line 4 blocks back to make the trek through the construction zone.  Why hasn't the city repaired this roadway once and for all instead of inconveniencing drivers for the fifth or is it fifteenth time this summer.  But we as drivers can help out the situation make your way to the front of the line in your lane and when you get to the barricade do as the sign says squeeze left and hopefully that kind driver next to you will allow you in.   If not well lets hope your vehicle is worth less than theirs.  Have fun fighting through the next 2 months of increased road work as now is the time the  City will be closing many streets to get all the work they didn't complete this summer.


  1. Road Warrior - come and check out the damage to the side streets in Nutana that have been destroyed as a result of the - count 5 months - of detouring.

  2. so you are one of those assholes who thinks they can just drive up the closed lane, despite the signs saying the road is closed ahead, and then try to squeeze in to the open lane right at the barricade???

    I guess your blog and opinions make more sense now. Do you really think it is quicker if everyone merges at the very last second? No, it's just a great way to piss people off, get in an accident and slow traffic down further......but I suppose you aren't too concerned with that.
